Tuesday, June 16, 2015

It can be funny how some people react to a hat

While I was in an in-patient program a friend gave me his "Dysfunctional Veteran" hat to help me keep the idiots away.  And I often get the oddest reactions from some people who will either give me an exceptionally wide berth or stop and stare at me like I'm not a "Dysfunctional Veteran".

Today happened to be one of those days where I was wearing my Bluetooth headphones and in my own world with my hat on.  At one store there was at least one older guy I assume may or may not have been a Veteran himself who stood there staring at me like I was a chimp at the zoo or something.

At another store the store salespersons were taken aback at how friendly I actually was with them wearing my hat as if just because I was dysfunctional I wasn't able to hold a polite and friendly conversation with someone.  The sales manager actually thought it was "Funny" the hat not my conversation.  I'm not sure exactly what kind of funny he thought it was while I was spending a couple hundred at their store I won't mention, Fart Tan.

At another there was a couple talking in the produce aisle who went around the square display to get out of my way only to wind up where they were at again.

I'm not going to hurt anyone I just as the hat says, "Want to be left alone."  I don't want to be laughed at for the way I look or dress.  I don't want to be made fun of because I wear that hat or others like it.  I don't want to be asked, "Are you a Veteran or just advertising?"

Just be polite, smile or give me the man's nod and be on your way.

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