I am all too aware of how extremely hard it can be to be dealing with Bipolar and trying to get a higher education at the same time. I have been down the road that leads to mental breakdowns and then returning to school hoping no one brings it up. I am also aware of having it cost you a career when your fellow students aren't required to keep what they know about you to themselves when they go out into the working world.
The thing I want to impress on my fellow sufferers who are attending college or thinking about it, you might fall down but it doesn't mean you cannot keep getting back up. Of course my no quit comes from a military training but that doesn't mean those who haven't served can't keep that same mentality going for them. After all a fall is not a total loss as if you got your car dented backing into a light pole for instance. You wouldn't total the car over a dent now would you, so you can't just write off your education and career goals just because you fell down a step or two.
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